Clothes with documents in suitcase

What to Bring to Rehab: A Helpful Guide

Preparing for your journey to recovery at The Grove Estate Addiction Treatment Center is an important step, and knowing what to bring can ease your transition into our program. Here’s a list of items to consider:

  • Identification: Bring a valid photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport.
  • Insurance Information: Have your insurance card and any necessary documents readily available.
  • Prescription Medications: If you have prescribed medications, bring them in their original packaging with clear instructions. Narcotics are not allowed.
  • Comfortable Clothing: Pack comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing for your stay, including sleepwear and exercise attire.
  • Toiletries: Basic personal hygiene items like toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, and soap are essential.
  • Notebook and Pen: These can be helpful for taking notes during therapy and counseling sessions.
  • Books and Reading Material: Bring reading materials for downtime, but ensure they align with the treatment center’s guidelines.
  • Pictures of Loved Ones: Personal photos can provide emotional support during your stay.
  • List of Contacts: Have a list of important phone numbers and addresses for family, friends, and healthcare providers.

What Not to Bring to Rehab


Leave valuable items, such as expensive jewelry or large amounts of cash, at home.

Alcohol or Drugs

Obviously, any substances not prescribed by a medical professional are prohibited.


Firearms, knives, or any potentially dangerous objects should be left at home.

Inappropriate Clothing

Avoid clothing with explicit or offensive content.

Remember that each treatment center may have its own specific guidelines, so it’s essential to check with The Grove Estate Addiction Treatment Center for any additional items or restrictions. Preparing in advance ensures a smooth transition into our program, allowing you to focus on your journey to recovery.

What Should I Pack for Addiction Treatment?

When preparing for addiction treatment, it’s important to pack items that will support your comfort and recovery while adhering to the facility’s guidelines. Here are five frequently asked questions about what to bring:

  1. What Clothing Should I Bring to Addiction Treatment? Bring comfortable, season-appropriate clothing, including pajamas, casual wear, and athletic attire for physical activities or therapy sessions. Ensure you pack enough for the duration of your stay or for the period until you can do laundry. Avoid clothing with potentially triggering content like alcohol or drug-related images or slogans.
  2. Can I Bring Personal Hygiene Products to Addiction Treatment? Yes, you should bring personal hygiene products, but they must be alcohol-free and non-aerosol. This includes toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, and feminine hygiene products. Some facilities might provide these, so it’s a good idea to check in advance.
  3. Are Electronic Devices Allowed in Addiction Treatment Centers? Policies on electronic devices vary by facility. Some may allow cell phones or laptops during specific times, while others might restrict them to create a distraction-free environment. Always check with an admissions counselor beforehand and bring any necessary chargers or adapters if allowed.
  4. What Kind of Documentation Should I Bring? Bring identification (ID or driver’s license), insurance cards, a list of medications you’re currently taking, and any relevant medical records. It’s also advisable to bring emergency contact information and any legal documents that might be required.
  5. Can I Bring Books or Personal Items to Addiction Treatment? Personal items like books, journals, and photos can be comforting during treatment. However, avoid materials that could be triggering to yourself or others. Some facilities might allow you to bring a comforting item like a favorite pillow or blanket. Check with the facility for any specific restrictions.

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